
Encouragement as We Age! — 14 Comments

  1. Thank you so much Karen for those scriptures and encouraging quotes. They are a wonderful encouragement to us not only for the elders, but for many other age groups. I really love the scripture Pslam 92:12-15. The photos of the people who you quoted were very meaningful too.

  2. Beautifully said, Karen. I love that scripture about God’s people still bearing fruit in their old age, and the one that says even to our old age He will carry us. You are still bearing fruit through your relationships (including with me), teaching, and loving your family. Thank you!

  3. God’s word continues to uphold and encourage me- and always when I seem to need it the most! I also loved the quote from Frances McDormand! Thanks so much for lifting me up today with all these special scriptures and quotes! What a blessing!

  4. Sending you a heartfelt hug in gratitude for you and the words you share to encourage others. Thank you!
    They mean more than you may ever know.
    🌸Smiles, BRC

  5. Thank you, Karen, for the encouraging scripture verses! I admire people who are ‘aged’ who have a wonderful attitude and always wear a smile on their face regardless of how they feel. I like the statement, “Smile, it improves your face value”! I checked this out not long ago by looking in the mirror: I let my face drop and did not smile, almost had a frown, let my lips drop and I looked really old, even older than my 90 years-then I smiled a bright and cheerful smile, and I was amazed! The wrinkles seemed to disappear, and I looked even younger than 90! The smile has to come from your heart, however, No artificial smile. As I have aged I find I do not take anything I can do for granted. With this severe balance problem there are so many things I cannot do, but I have learned to not take anything for granted that I CAN do! As one old fellow said: ” I can still feed myself”! Smile! Enough for now! I could go on and on listing things for which I am thankful that I used to take for granted but I think it is good for us to just start writing these things down and I promise you, the list will be much longer than you think.
    Let us love one another and encourage one another for this is the will of God.
    Blessings to you, my friend, Margaret

    • Thank you, Margaret, for encouraging us to smile. I read somewhere that it makes more muscles to frown than to smile. 🙂

  6. Hi Karen, your wordy words always makes me think about myself and how I live my life. Thank you for your wisdom and encouragement.

  7. Hi Karen, thank you for your words. It always makes me think about how I live my life and treat others too. Sometimes we need reminders.


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