
Words, Words, Words — 8 Comments

  1. Thanks for the good “word,” Karen. 🙂 I have been trying to be more mindful of mine, just as you wrote about.
    Recently during my prayer time the Lord gave me some ideas about words that I wrote in my journal. I hope to develop those thoughts into talks for a women’s retreat.
    (And I also loved that tidbit of wisdom from Janet!)

    • Thanks, Judy. I love your idea of using some of the words written in your journal for the basis of retreat topics.

  2. Dear Karen,
    I like the Biblical quotes you used~two of my favorites. “Words” can really hurt and words can really help so we should be most careful and choose wisely. I heard the statement a long time ago that we should ask ourselves three questions before we say anything about anyone. 1. Is it true? 2. Would it help anyone to repeat it? 3. Would it do harm? Act accordingly!
    Abraham Lincoln made the statement regarding criticism:
    ” There is so much bad in the best of us and so much good in the worst of us, it hardly behoves any of us to talk about the rest of us.”
    On a positive note there is nothing like a good word spoken from the heart to help someone overcome their grief or help them with a problem. A word kindly spoken can lift a heart that is broken.
    Thanks for being YOU !
    Love, Margaret

    • I love all that you shared, Margaret. Wonderful advice from Lincoln and the anonymous author. How is your healing coming along?

  3. Dear Karen, thanks for the wisdom about a word. I needed to learn the art of using the right words to the right person at the right time … it’s an art … very delicate and complex task to accomplish … takes me a lifelong time to practice … and I still makes loads of mistakes … in both my native language Chinese and my acquired language English … needed a lot of forgiving myself for it … it’s a lifelong commitment learning … and thank you for the Bible quotes – they are refreshing to my heart and soul. I am so grateful to you. Jing

    • You are correct, Jing. Using words appropriately is definitely a fine art, which I would say most of us, if not all, continue to practice our entire lives.

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