
Thanking God For What You Don’t Have — 16 Comments

  1. Karen, I’m thankful I don’t have to finish my fourth novel because it just went to publication. I’m even more thankful that I don’t have to use a walker, a wheel chair, a cane, no serious pain, or people I can’t get along with, etc. etc. etc.

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  2. Love your reality and sense of humour in this wonderful life that we are engaged in Karen!
    Yes to all that you are writing about especially at this time.
    Love and Happy Thanksgiving to all, We are So blessed my friends.

  3. Karen, I had to smile when I read your subject because not long ago during the Bible Study I attend I repeated a quote that I had heard: “instead of wishing for the things you want but don’t have,be thankful for the things you don’t want that you don’t have.” Our leader had a thoughtful look on his face ( the minister) and then said:”I don’t want my house to burn down and so far it hasn’t”! I think everyone was a little surprised by his response and so was I because I don’t think I would have thought of that but it was a good statement. The quote really made me do some thinking the first time I heard it and it still makes me be more thankful for what I DO NOT have and since I have so many close friends and a niece and nephew who have Dementia/or Alzheimer’s I thank God each day that I do not have THAT and can finish my book with a clear mind. I am so blessed!
    Thanks for giving us a lot to think about!! We sure do have a lot to be thankful FOR! Thanks, again, for your wisdom and for sharing it. Love to you. Margaret

  4. I’m so very thankful for my son’s rock climbing accident since his inability to care for himself is giving each of us another chance at working on a relationship that has been strained for years.

    Happy Thanksgiving, Karen!

  5. Love your blog, Karen, and especially your thoughts about being thankful for what we don’t have. I’m thankful for some prayers to which God said no, including a man I thought I wanted to marry, and who would not have been the right partner for me, nor I for him.

    I’m glad I don’t have Parkinson’s Disease. I’m glad I don’t have a huge house to take care of. Oh, and much more.

    • Great spin on Thanksgiving! Now we can be extra thankful this year because of the things we don’t have!
      🙂 Hope you have a wonderful holiday with your family! Brittany comes home today and then my family will be all together. Precious times. Blessings! Sherry

  6. Sherry, thanks for your lovely comment. Enjoy your family. I will be with my loved ones too, each year of thanksgiving precious as we live and give thanks in the present.

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