
Check! Check! Check! — 6 Comments

  1. She got it right. I always think of this verse at times like that. I Samuel 16:7b “For the LORD seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the LORD looketh on the heart.”
    I love all your postings. 🙂

  2. I remember as a young adult being so shocked when I saw photographs of my grandparents from 20-30 years earlier. They were HOMELY. I couldn’t believe it. In my mind and heart, both my grandmothers were just BEAUTIFUL, and I knew they loved me a lot. But the photos were “accurate.” It was a good life lesson, and I think of that now with my grandkids. They will say, “Nana, you’re beautiful.” I know they mean it, but I see in the mirror that time has marched on a lot. But if, by loving our families, we are beautiful in their sight, what else matters? Do I care if the average Joe (or Joanne) on the street thinks I’m wrinkled and saggy? No, not as long as my family sees me through the rose-colored glasses of love. We can’t control most of the signs of aging, but isn’t it nice that we can largely control how our loved ones view us?

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